Spain over the years has been an enjoyable and fascinating country to visit by millions of visitors each year. It is after all the second most popular holiday and travel destination in the world. As a frequent traveler and long time resident in Spain ( almost 30 years ) I would like to offer my advice on how you can make your holiday Spain as enjoyable, secure and hassle free as possible.

Some of these tips you will have heard before but it is advisable to run through a few basic points and hopefully refresh your memory.


Yes obvious I know but check that your passport is in force and legally entitles you to travel to Spain from your country of residence. If you are a British Citizen or British Subject with Right of Abode in the United Kingdom, you do not require a visa to enter Spain, you will require a passport or a National Identity Card , see the official UK Government web site for further details.


These days there is no need to carry large amounts of cash. Spain is as modern as most other top European destinations, there are banks and cash machines in most locations and nearly all shops, restaurants and other business will accept the major credit cards such as Visa. When exchanging pounds for Euros then search around for the best deals as the exchange rates can vary enormously. Usually airports are not the best places for exchanging money and generally offer the worst rates, never exchange money with an unknown or unauthorized local offering to pay you the best rates in town. Also check that the commission being charged doesn't override the tempting high rates offered in the window.


For UK citizens you should obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before leaving the UK. However the EHIC is not a substitute for medical and travel insurance, but entitles you to necessary medical treatment on the same terms as Spanish nationals. You will not be covered for medical repatriation, on-going medical treatment or treatment of a non-urgent nature. Therefore Travel Insurance is highly recommended in order you are covered for every eventuality such as theft, loss of passports and repatriation. There are many companies offering low cost quality travel insurance including, flexicover, insureandgo amongst others


Although Spain does have one of the most enviable climates in Europe it does vary dramatically depending on the area and time of year you plan to visit. Therefore it is fare to say that your wardrobe will also vary drastically. Its not really necessary for example to bring any type of warmer clothing if you plan to visit the Costa del Sol in mid august where the temperatures can average between 25 degrees along the coastal areas although its not uncommon for the temperatures to saor to 38 degrees in the mid day sun. On the other hand if you plan to visit southern Spain during the winters months you will need the extra jumper and some wet proofs as the temperatures can easily plummet to 10 degrees at night in Andalucia. By contrast the north of Spain in during the summer offers hot days and chilly nights as the fresher Atlantic winds fan the coastal areas. Its always a good idea then to check the local area weather before your departure for full details and general annual temperatures and weather conditions including a 10 day forecast in most cases.


Unlike some other countries tipping is not such a big issue , if you would like to show your level of enjoyment of the service by leaving a gratuity then a 5 or 10% tip would be a good guide, in some cases just a few coins are acceptable.


There is one thing being sprawled on a sun lounger covered in sun cream reading the daily news at the local beach ( which is highly recommended by the way ), on the other hand if you plan some trips around town or larger cities or perhaps a visit to the local market then please be aware. Petty crime, pick pocketing and muggings, like most other countries, has risen over the past 10 years. So although your mind will more than likely be in holiday mode a few precautions will help you avoid any unwanted surprises during your stay.

a) Dress casually and blend in with the locals, forget the hankie on the head its a dead giveaway
b ) Try to keep cameras, money bags and any valuable objects out of sight, if possible leave your jewelery in the safe at your hotel or better still at home.
c) Look confident, look like you know your way around and your destination, even if you don't.
d) Speak in a reasonable tone, shouting louder than the locals in your own language makes you stand out.

During your holiday to Spain you will most likely visit one of the many outdoor markets that are held every day up and down Spain in every town in the the Country. Whilst they are great places to browse for cheap goods and holiday gifts please pay extra attention to your cash and valuables as there are many con men and pickpockets looking to taek advantage of the unsuspecting and relaxed holiday maker.

Be also specially aware of the tricksters and the myriad of scams they use to relieve you of your cash and valuables. The most common ones are still being used to this day and include, pointing to your rear car tyre if your in a vehicle and screaming that you have a flat tyre, once you are out of your vehicle an accomplice quickly steals anything of value whilst your attention is being cleverly distracted. The other usual scams are asking you for directions, being surrounded by a group of ladies selling flowers, asking for change and helping you with your luggage. In short be careful and aware of your surroundings at all times.


Despite common jokes about the locals driving abilities !! , it really is quite safe to drive on Spanish roads as long as you follow some simple rules. Gone are the days when Spaniards drove mostly old bangers around who's road worthy attributes left a lot to the imagination, as this country has now moved well into the modern era and so have the laws governing the use of motor vehicles which should be respected and adhered to at all times not least as they are now being rigorously enforced by the Spanish authorities. Recent legislation has now made some driving offenses criminal ones. Although this guide is aimed in assisting the tourist or visitor to Spain it does apply equally to the ex-pat resident vehicle owner.

If you plan to drive or rent a car in Spain you will need to show a valid driving license from the country of origin. As a general rule most car rental companies in Spain accept drivers between the ages of 21 and 70 so its a good idea to check with each car hire company on this point. See our full article on driving in Spain here


You may find yourself in a situation, perhaps you get lost in an unknown area, or find yourself separated from your traveling partners. Or taken ill and need to urgently contact your family. In short it is advisable to keep on you at all times a few important telephone numbers including your travel insurance provider and perhaps the local police emergency number, usually 112. You can see a full list of Tourism Offices in Spain includng addresses and telehone numbers.


In general you will find the Spanish very helpful and freindly when it somes to tourists and in most cases are only to willing to help, specially if you throw in a few Spanish words, even if your knowledge of Spanish is limited to ordering a beer ( una cerveza por favor ) and saying thank you ( Muchas Gracias !! ) then use it when ever possible, it is much appreciated by the locals, politeness costs nothing and will be gratefully received by your hosts.