The long awaited train " El Ave " has finally commenced its high speed service between Malaga and Madrid cutting travel times via rail to just two and a half hours.

RENFE the rail network providers in Spain have also promised refunds on fares if the service arrives between 15 to 30 minutes later than scheduled, if the delay ( which must be attributed to Renfe ) is more than one hour a full refund has been guaranteed by them.

Extra discounts of up to 50% are being offered if you book early either at any of the Renfe Stations or online. So if your Spanish is good and your feeling brave you can book online here.

Not only is the train mind blowingly fast its also extremely modern and comfortable.

This incredibly fast travel service will undoubtedly provide many positive possibilities for the residents of Malaga and surrounding areas. New business opportunities will inevitably be created as investors from the north open up new commercial ties with the Costa del Sol not to mention the increase in tourism which is epected. I am also sure that many people residing in the Malaga area may have never visited Spains capital due mainly being put off by the 5 to 7 hour travel time by car or the higher cost via air.

Madrid is a great place to spend a weekend as it offers everything an historic and vibrant city does, from superb monuments to places of great cultural interest to fine dining and an excellent and exciting nightlife.