Although the internal travel market within Europe has remained flat due mainly to the damaging events of the 11th September, the declared "War on terrorism" and the economic slumps of several EEC countries. it is now showing signs or recovery.

There where some 470 Millions visitors by tourists in European countries in 2006, showing growth of around 17% since 2002 , Turkey has benefited the most with a growth of 56 % with Italy at the lowest end with a 6% decline.

In terms of arrivals Spain is second with around 59 Millions visitors , still below France the undisputed leader in world tourism, However Spain's tourism sector is growing whereby France has reached saturation point . Spain is however ranked number one as far as income per visitors are concerned as tourists spend longer time on each visit as apposed to shorty stays in France.

For a detailed Tourist attraction Market Assessment report for 2007 please visit