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The Costa de la Luz ( The Coast of Light )

The Costa de la Luz ( The coast of light ) is the most southern all the Spanish Costas and definately one of my favorites. The coast of light is aptly names with the clean Atlantic waters washing the shores of the provinces of Cadiz and Huelva. The coast runs from Tarifa ( wind surfers paradise ) in the east to the Taguas estuary bordering Portugal in the west.

Fantastic clean beaches, pine clad countryside, picturesque fishing villages and tranquil surroundings are some of the many advantages from this part of Spain. The Costa de la Luz has a slightly more milder climate than its neighbor to the East the Costa del Sol, however the building side has been a lot more controlled and most of the are here has maintained that authentic Spanish Village feel. The main tourist resorts have built low rise hotels and properties that have fitted much better into the natural settings of pine trees which line almost the whole coast.

The sand here is much finer than other parts of Spain, although it must be said can be prone to stronger winds that seem to fan the province almost every day. These winds have made the Costa de la Luz a firm favorite with wind sports enthusiasts from all over the world.

The main towns and villages along the coast include:

Cadiz along with Huelva are the main towns which lay along the Costa del la Luz. Cadiz is the more beautiful and historic of the two in my opinion. This historic city is divided into two main parts, the modern and the old. Although the modern side has all the trapping of modern day living, the marinas, yachts, modern hotels etc the old part reveals the real history. The old town center is abound with character and true Andalusian flavors and is made up of three barrios ( quarters ) The Barrio La Vila , home to the fishing district, the Barrio El Populo , said to be the oldest part of the city and the Barrio Santa Maria.

A good time to visit Cadiz is during the carnivals held in February each year. It is one of Spains best carnivals with ten days of street processions and an unrivalled party atmosphere.

The city of Huelva looks a bit rundown in parts and is not a main destination for the international traveler although the outlining towns and natural parks are some of the finest you will find in the country. The long sandy unspoilt beaches are to die for.


Endearing fishing village with access to all the best beaches and the natural parks in the area, low rise tourism with plenty of good eating houses, fresh fish is a must and Barbate has enough eateries to satisfy the most enthusiast of fresh fish and seafood lover.

Very popular with the Spanish tourist, again lovely long sandy beaches. Chipiona has a very Spanish ambience about it and is a great family destination. Explore the backstreets and you will be rewarded with finding some of the cheapest fresh fish restaurants and tapas bars anywhere in the area.

Zahara de las Atunes

Typical example of how a small town with one of the best beaches along the coast, it has also maintained its small village charm due to lack of high rise development or any major construction for that fact. As in the case of many of the fishing villages along the Costa de la Luz Sol the main catch here is the Tuna which is fished using the traditional almadrabas method ( fishermen using very long poles with a line and hook perched on the side of fishing trawlers ).

The aprs beach and sun activities here are laid back and peaceful nights are guaranteed here supping your favorite brew in one of the many quaint local bars.


Offers long sandy beaches and sits next to the famous Doana Natural park. Again low rise tourism which is repented by well off property owners from Sevilla and Cadiz so the prices are generally a little higher .


Conil de la Frontera is a former fishing village which has become a popular, low-rise resort. Its has a long fine white sandy beach and once again has a real village feel to the place. You will find a fine selection of fish restaurants along the Paseo Maritimo ( beach front area ) which buzzes nicely with a Spanish vibe at night as the locals join the holidays makers in enjoying the catch of the day.

The smallish white prawns ( gamba blanca ) are a delicacy along this coast and although can be on the pricier side are well worth trying for there excellent flavor. Also for fish lovers June is a good time to visit when the Tuna is celebrated and many restaurants offer this locally caught fish at discount prices.


Tarifa, the wind capital of the Europe as it is often referred to . so much so that wind farms are being erected all around the area and make quite a site. Of course wind sports activates are in abundance here and the bay is always full of the colorful spectacle of wind and kite surfers speeding along the coastline. Tarifa is the most southern most tip of Spain where the Mediterranean joins the fresher waters of the Atlantic ocean. Due to its proximity to Africa and Gibraltar boat trips are popular with companies offering numerous boat rides and fishing trips. It is not uncommon to see whales quite near to the shoreline as they feed back and forth along the Gibraltar straits.

The Costa de la Luz ( The coast of light ) is the most southern all the Spanish Costas and definately one of my favorites. The coast of...

Faces of Tarifa

Tarifa has long been known as a culturally-blended town, through all its incarnations: frontier fortress, fishing village, trendy tourist town. All the peoples who have settled in or near Tarifa have left a mark, from ancient Roman soldiers to Moorish settlers, Jewish merchants and Celto-Iberians. The Moorish style of architecture is the most common here, but everything else blends in with these walls to create a singularly beautiful place to vacation. You'll find virgin coastline, fine hotels, and tons of water sports to engage your interests.


Tarifa is a perfect place for surfers and beach lovers, and has perfect windsurfing waters and winds. More sedentary beachgoers can lounge on the warm sands and enjoy a spectacular view of the Rif mountains, visible across the Mediterranean from Africa. Virgin beaches and wild coastline offer room for birdwatchers and hikers, rock-climbing and surfing. Scuba diving and horseback riding are also available for those who are interested, and world-class golf courses abound in the region.

Tarifa's Living History

Many parts of Tarifa have not changed in hundreds of years. Local fishermenb stil use the Almadraba circling method of fishing, over seven hundred years old, and the narrow alleys paved with cobblestones stretch through walls cascaded over by jasmine. Wrought iron rejas decorate homes lining the street, and the castellated walls of the old city are closely woven with the homes. The eighth-century city gate of Jerez has been restored, and the church of San Mateo and buildings in the Calle de los Azogues date back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
You can visit the Arab castle of Guzman the Bueno, built in 960 AD probably on the ruinms of an old Roman fort. Two high towers in the east section once protected the entrance to Tarifa. And on Calle de la Fuente you can find a historic and unique fountain. La Alameda is an Andalucian paved garden decorated with flowers and old villagers filled with stories.

Modern Tarifa

Tapas bars abound, particularly to the east of the Alameda. On Batalla del Salado, north of town, surf shops and trendy clothing stores line the streets. Wind turbines on the hills generate enormous amounts of power, and they're certainly something to get a picture of.

The most modern parts of Tarifa, though, are the beaches. For families, try the Playa Chica. If you prefer rocky beaches, check out La Caleta, a quiet beach often missed by tourists. The large Playa de los Lances stretches ten kilometers down the coast, and provides perfect surf and wind for kite surfing. Near the Hurricane Hotel you'll find the Playa de Valdevaqueros.

You can also take the regular daily ferry across to Tangiers; visit the souk for a day, or explore the unique nature of Tangiers.

Nightlife in Tarifa is very entertaining indeed. You'll find discos throughout the old town and the beach, and La Casa Amarilla features flamenco music. Continental has live music, and there are dozens of other music and other bars.

Where to Stay

You can stay in a number of hotels located in the town or its outskirts, and you also have the option of camping out in several areas along the beach. The Hotel Punta Sur is perfect for families, and very convenient to the beach. The Hurricane hotel has subtropical gardens that open to the beaches of Playa de Valdevaqueros, and excellent views of Morocco. This hotel is friendly, and its restaurant serves simple dishes with the best and freshest ingredients they can find.
For some history, consider the Cortijo La Hoya, over a hundred years old, or Casa Silos, a medieval townhouse within the old town wall.

For honeymooners or those who prefer style and class, the over-14 hotel El Aguilon may be ideal. Its swimming pool, set in an orange grove, is lovely, and the building itself is an old Andalucian Cortijo.
Author: Jakob Jelling

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.eurotomic.com.
Please visit his website if you're planning a trip to Europe.
Tarifa has long been known as a culturally-blended town, through all its incarnations: frontier fortress, fishing village, trendy tourist to...
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