Are you thinking of a change of lifestyle in a new country, why not Spain ?.
Even in these difficult times where unemployment is high there are still many opportunities for the right candidate. Many thousands of European expats are relocating to Spain each year either by setting up a new business or thinking look for rewarding work in Spain.
New customs, labour laws and a new language are some of the barriers that will need to be overcome if you are preparing to work in Spain. However with some careful research and planning there is no reason why you will not able to find work that suits you and which will hopefully bring you great personal satisfaction and happiness.
Many expatriates tend to concentrate their job searches in Spainto the main tourism areas where perhaps they may feel most at home, however if you are prepared to broaden your horizons there are many employment opportunities to find rewarding work in the big cities such as Madrid, Bilbao, Barcelona, Seville, Alicante and Valencia.
Your experience is invaluable to many companies in Spain. Many are now looking to the United Kingdom or other European countries to find people who are willing to relocate and provide the company with all the experience and knowledge they have to bring with them. This can be a big plus for existing Spanish companies and international entities looking to expand and gain the knowledge that you bring with you to help drive their business to the next level.
In general Spanish salaries for working in Spain are less than those in the UK and other top EEC countries but bear in mind that the cost of living is less and the lifestyle is better. EEU nationals have the right to seek employment in Spain without a work permit. Most jobs in the holiday hotspots are dedicated to tourism, hospitality and real estate areas and in general only a basic knowledge of Spanish is required if non at all. However to be able to gain employment away from these areas you will be required to have a good knowledge of the Spanish Language. However speaking Spanish is fun and will open many doors and new opportunities and will enhance your overall experience in Spain.
The basic salaries range from 600 - 2000 for sales roles and many are commission based jobs, there is though, the potential to earn six figure sums. Non sales roles is where the salaries can vary massively, for example a secretary or receptionist may earn 600 - 1000 per month, a graphic designer may earn 2000 per month and an IT database developer may earn 2000 per month. Some business will still be closing down for 2 to 3 hours a days as the siesta is still in force in certain industries, specially the important touristic areas although this custom is becoming less frequent.
Depending on which area of employment you may work in, the Spanish have had a system in the past whereby the normal 12 month salary payments are increased by two extra payments each year, thus you get a 'bonus' at Christmas and summer. However due to the current climate in Spain most employees will offer you a set fixed wage inclusive of any extras you may be entitled to and will expect you to agree to this before entering into any contract. This system is fine as long as you are happy with the salary and conditions from the outset.
One of the positives of the property crash for new arrivals to Spain is it is now the best time to buy property as an incredible 50% has been whipped off the values in the last 5 years. A two bedroom apartment in nice areas on the Costa del Sol costing around 200.000 Euros in 2005 can now be purchased for around 100.000 Euros, it is a buyers market at the moment as investors look to profit from the market situation. On the other hand you may wish to rent a property, on average you will be pay around 500.00 Euros per month for a very respectable 2 or 3 bedroom apartment.
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